Pretty n' Love
30 SD
I hate it. I have never been a big fan of capes but in addition this one is horribly shaped. It looks like the bottom part of a bell and the colour doesn't make it any better.
I found incredibly hard to style this cape/dress. Due to the shape it's difficult to find a coat that fits but hides a bit the bell-shape I was talking about and I really had no idea of how I could make it look cooler. My first idea was to combine it with thigh-high boots but in the end I decided to spice it up with some cool earrings.
I hate it SO MUCH. For me the worst part is the weird beige shade. And in addition is super expensive! I would never buy it, not even for like 2 SD. That being said...
I tried to do something different and use it with pants. At first I wanted to cover some parts, like using a skirt of something, but due to its wide shape it was impossible to combine with anything else. So I went for a sporty look.
Remember that if you submit your outfit on SMW (Stardoll's Most Wanted) you will have the chance to be selected by us for our monthly HotBuys recap, winning a HotBuys of your choice. You only need to submit the outfit on SMW OR on the comments down below. No need to post it twice, we check both sites. The prizes will be provided by Jenna (emorox4eva), owner of SMW.